2023 SPIN Conference “It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Part 2”

We’re back in person at the UH Campus Center for our 37th annual SPIN Conference and we offered a virtual option to Zoom into the live workshops – our first hybrid event! In order to share these amazing workshops with everyone, anytime, SPIN worked with our wonderful speakers to do a separate recording of each workshop that could be captioned and posted to the SPIN Conference website and we are so happy to share these gems of knowledge, inspiration and hope with you!

2022 SPIN Conference “It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Part 1”

We planned to hold the 2022 conference in person, but life had other plans, so we shifted once again to a virtual event for our October 22, 2022 event. We chose to have a mini conference, focusing on 3 “Marathon Skills” families can use as they raise their child with a disability. Skill #2: Take Time for Yourself – is showcased beautifully in the “Find Your Pace, Find Your Peace” workshop with Dr. Thao Le & Benjamin Chu. Skill #4: Build a Network of Supports – takes you on a journey to create a care map for your child in the workshop “Mapping the Course” led by our SPIN Advisory Committee. Skill #5: Know Yourself and Your Family – is about managing stress in your ohana and Dr. Matthew Wappet uses humor and science in his workshop “Resilience for the Long Run” to help us manage stress. Each workshop also has a coordinating infographic to share.

2021 SPIN Conference “SPIN’s Journey Through the Wilderness”

We hosted our 35th annual SPIN Conference–SPIN’s Journey Through the Wilderness— virtually on October 23, 2021. We were joined by an audience made up of parents, educators and helping professionals–all seeking information and networking opportunities around evidence-based supports in the areas of early intervention, special education and and community living for students with disabilities and their families.

2021 Spring Transition Workshops “SPIN’s Recipes for Success”

Watch 3 workshops from our SPIN”s Recipes for Success series in April, May and June 2021. These workshops are designed with helping families prepare their child to successfully transition to adult life.

2020 SPIN Conference “SPIN 20/20 Home Edition”

On October 17, 2020 SPIN hosted our first virtual conference. For each workshop, you will find a brief description next to a photo of our visionary speakers. A yellow “Watch Workshop Here” button will take you to our SPIN YouTube page to watch the recorded workshop. Click on the green buttons for a PDF of the presentation and the blue button for an infographic about the workshop topic. You can access the workshop handouts by clicking on the black buttons. Click on the pink button below to access all 2020 workshops.

2023 Special Education Conference presentation on Building Better Family-School Partnerships by Amanda Kaahanui & Susan Rocco.

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