On October 17, 2020 SPIN hosted our first virtual conference. For each workshop below, you will find a brief description next to a photo of our speakers. A yellow “Watch Workshop Here” button will take you to our SPIN YouTube page to watch the recorded workshop. Click on the blue buttons for a PDF of the presentation and any infographics or handouts.

Alternatives to Health Care

Two developmental-behavioral pediatricians discuss non-medical and alternative treatments that parents of children with disabilities are considering to address their child’s symptoms. Parents will learn the evidence regarding the effectiveness of some alternatives to traditional medical care, including CBD oil, special diets, supplements, neuro feedback and more. Tips will be offered on ways to evaluate these treatments for potential harm or help.

Meet Our Presenters

Assistive Technology

Your child may be familiar with using their assistive technology (AT) in the classroom, but there may be challenges at home. An AT specialist will discuss tricks that may be valuable when you’re facing the issues of distance learning. You will learn about AT tools and resources for helping your child/student learn in COVID times.

Meet our Presenter

Family-School Partnerships

Family-school partnerships are important for parents and school personnel to embrace as each plays a significant role in the growth, development and educational needs of children. A parent and PTA representative of her school, and program staff from a parent training and information center present on the necessary elements to build a parent-school partnership using a common sense approach and a PTA model of parent engagement.

Meet Our Presenters

Positive Behavior Supports

A behavior analyst who specializes in developmental-behavioral pediatrics describes the relationship between positive behavior supports and applied behavior analysis. He describes why, when, how and by whom a functional behavioral assessment of problem behaviors is conducted, as well as the role of teachers and parents in helping to implement a behavior support plan. Audience members learn some strategies to improve a child’s behavior at home and in the classroom, including teaching youth how to monitor their own behavior.

Meet Our Presenter

COVID-19 & Virtual IEP’s

LDAH and HIDOE are partnering together providing a new perspective on educating our children with a disability in 2020. Just exactly how are parents to navigate through COVID-19 Impact Services and how will parents know what to do? Receive current and relevant information on how, what and when Virtual IEP’s will be conducted throughout this unique time of COVID-19.

Meet Our Presenters

Emotional Well-Being

A parent and a counselor and member of the state Prevent Suicide Hawaii Task Force identify some of the factors contributing to emotional and behavioral challenges for children and youth today, particularly in this time of fear and social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures. They help the audience recognize some of the warning signs of children who are depressed, anxious and thinking about or planning suicide. The discussion also includes information about tools to help cope with emotional and behavioral challenges in order to help parents be better partners in their child’s care.

Meet Our Presenters

Autism Supports

A graduate student with autism and a Department of Education autism specialist discuss the effect of major changes in the daily routines of students with autism caused by the COVID-19 virus. They offer insights and strategies for managing the stress caused by these disruptions, as well as ideas on how to establish new and positive routines that benefit the student as well as his or her family.

Meet Our Presenters

Transition to Preschool

An early intervention specialist and a state special education preschool specialist will walk families of young keiki through the process of transitioning from early intervention services to preschool services within the Department of Education. The discussion will include how to prepare for changes in services and supports for your child, the benefits of participating in a Part C Transition Conference, and the DOE special education evaluation process.

Meet Our Presenters

Kid’s Safety Online

A developmental pediatrician talks about risks to your child’s safety when using social media and while ‘surfing’ online, and how parents can lessen or eliminate these risks. She will also share important information about other potential dangers like choking, vaping and second-hand smoke. Parents will be able to ask questions about the safety of vaccinations and learn where to look for evidence-based information on vaccines.

Meet Our Presenter

We apologize, Dr. Uehara’s Zoom workshop is not available. Please check out her awesome slides and handouts.

Sibling Talk Story

A sister of a brother who is deaf and two brothers of a sister with autism share their insights about living with a sibling with disabilities. Guiding the discussion is an adult sibling who grew up with a brother with Down Syndrome.

Meet the Siblings