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SPIN Conference April 6, 2024 @ UH Manoa Campus Center

For the last 38 years the annual SPIN conference has given parents and family members the opportunity to meet and network with other families and professionals while learning about resources and strategies that can improve the lives of their children with disabilities and family. This year’s conference is using the theme of Hawaii’s beaches and ocean for fun and decoration and to highlight the amazing sea of resources and knowledge that families can use to work together with helping professionals to achieve a better education and life for all our children of Hawaii.

Guide to Workshops

As you can see from the conference schedule, our 2024 SPIN Conference will include 14 workshops organized into three sessions called WAVES. The first two WAVES offer 5 workshops on varying topics, while the last WAVE has 4 workshops (including workshops about specific disabilities).

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Breakout Wave #1

Commotion in the Ocean

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Bullying and cyberbullying create a storm of emotions and sometimes even physical harm for kids with disabilities who are singled out. But the ripples of harm extend to bystanders and even the bullies themselves. Join a seasoned pro to uncover the scale of this issue, understand how schools define bullying, and grasp the consequences for students involved. Get ready to ride the waves and spot the warning signs of bullying, plus nab some top tips for coaching safe online habits for your child or student. Hang ten!

ABC 123 Little Fishy in the Sea

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If your little fishy seems to be swimming in circles, they might be facing some executive functioning challenges. From wriggling away from instructions to getting lost in the current of emotions, fear not! Dive into this workshop for fin-tastic tips to guide your young scholar at home and reel in the right school support. Let’s make a splash together!

Navigating the Seas of Change

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Helping teenagers prepare for success after high school includes planning for their health care as adults. Wade in to this helpful discussion on preparing youth to take on their own care, while setting up the needed supports like insurance, finding the right physician(s) and creating a safety net like a medical Power of Attorney so your young adult will be have smooth sailing ahead.

When in Doubt, Don’t Go Out

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Making sure our keiki are safe around water–in the bathtub, in the pool, and in the ocean–is one of the most important jobs of a parent or caregiver. That’s why you’ll want to learn from a master water safety instructor about how to protect your child from drowning and guarantee a lifetime of fun in the water.

Everyone Belongs at the Beach

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Let’s dive into the sea of inclusion! Picture a world where every child, regardless of ability, splashes and learns together. Where everyone belongs and everyone benefits. Discover awesome tips for inclusive education and how families can team up with schools for a shell-abrating inclusive adventure for their child.

Breakout Wave #2

Who’s in My School of Fish?

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It takes a pod to plan for your little starfish’s learning success. Parents are the co-captains in this adventure, and this helpful workshop will share a treasure trove of important tips on how to prepare for your child’s annual Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting and where to look for a tidal wave of support.

Keeping Your Boat Afloat

Get ready to hit the sandy shores and soak up some wisdom! Remember, before you can dive into helping others, you’ve got to secure your own life jacket. Join us for a chill workshop where you’ll learn self-care secrets to keep you sailing smoothly through any stormy seas that come your way!

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Building Better Sandcastles

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Helping kids grow their empathy skills – like sliding into someone else’s rubber slippahs – and boost their resilience – bouncing back from life’s rip tides – are superpowers for future happy grown-ups. Drop in for tips on developing these protective factors and skills in kids, and watch them turn into sandcastle pros. It’s going to be a whale of a time!

Planning for Rough Seas

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Families can’t always know when the next natural or man-made disaster will challenge their family, but they can learn to ride the wave of readiness and prepare their family for quick action when disaster strikes. Seas the day and learn from two fin-tastic medical leaders and a self-advocate about the steps needed to be prepared with adequate supplies, key documents and an evacuation plan to keep your ohana fine and sandy.

Calming the Stormy Seas

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In the ocean of special education, disagreements and clashes over a student’s progress are like fish in the sea–plentiful! Swim into the world of special education dispute resolution processes, where mediation, written complaints, resolution sessions and due process hearing requests are like hidden treasures for parents to navigate stormy waters with their child’s educational crew for a smoother voyage!

Breakout Wave #3

Social Seas

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Research has shown Social Stories to be effective in improving communication and behavior in children with autism. Each story is tailor-made to the individual child and helps them to prepare for a new or complex situation–like going to the beach for the first time–or to process a stressful event from the past–like the Maui wildfires. In this interactive workshop you will learn the basic parts of a social story, so that you can create one for your shrimp-ly amazing child or student. They’ll be happy as a clam!

Don’t Worry, Beach Happy

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Kids ride the worry wave now and then. But if those worries start crashing the beach party of socializing, behavior, or schoolwork, it might be a sign to chat about anxiety disorders. Join this chill chat with beach-loving mental health experts for the lowdown on spotting the signs of anxiety in children and teens, guidance on getting a formal assessment, and finding the perfect wave of treatments.

Let Your Compass Guide You

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By the time our students splash into middle and high school, problems with executive functioning–trouble following directions, managing time and emotions, and staying focused and multitasking–can have a big impact on their academics and self-esteem. Whether you are a parent or an educator, you’ll have a whale of a time listening to this expert educator, who will shell out ideas on what parents can do at home to improve these important skills.

Fish are Friends AND Food

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Many of our kids with disabilities have eating problems that may result from medical, behavioral or sensory issues–things that go beyond the shores of being a picky eater. Most parents will benefit from the guidance of our expert presenters on how to support their minnow in developing healthy eating habits by offering choice and avoiding power struggles.